Cesar Henao Condemns Threats to Israel and Attacks on American Embassies


Date: Sept. 17, 2012

The emergence of the Arab Spring appeared to be a sign that democracy was growing roots in the Middle East. Unfortunately we have seen the rise of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood now leading the government of Egypt, and the new Libyan government embracing Sharia Law which is contrary to individual freedoms America promotes.

With the recent loss of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three Americans killed in the brutal attack on our embassy in Libya, and the attacks on embassies around the Middle East, I am convinced more than ever of the need for a stronger Israel -- the only democracy in the region and true friend of the United States.

Over the last four years the White House and State Department have shown a conciliatory approach to Middle East policy which has emboldened Israel's enemies and spawned these recent attacks on our embassies. No matter how unsavory a movie or some other form of free speech may be, Americans do not apologize for their liberties. Too many good men and women have fought and died preserving our rights for anyone to apologize to terrorists because of our freedoms.

America and Israel face common enemies who do not value human life or the freedoms our two nations cherish. With such an urgent foreign policy crisis in the Middle East, where our only friend and ally is the sole democracy in the region, and the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people, we need a president that will send a strong message to these terrorists and thugs.

I ask Arab-Americans to take the lead in disavowing these attacks and unrest by speaking out in public and to their relatives. It is imperative that Arab-Americans and other Arabs living in Western societies explain to their brethren what democracy is and how freedom works.

What is most disturbing is that our current Congressman has not been willing to make any strong public statements challenging the president. Through his silence he has made it clear he would rather side with his party leadership rather than our allies in Israel who live in constant fear of annihilation.

While President Obama meets with celebrities like Jay-Z, Beyonce and David Letterman, he has refused to see Prime Minister Netanyahu on more than one occasion. Our current Congressman makes no public challenge to the president.

Israel is left in the precarious position of having to fend for itself, possibly requiring Israel to act independently to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program. It is a sad day when Israel feels it must act without the help of the United States.

America's foreign policy must be led by those with strong moral character. We must not treat our best friend and ally in the region poorly, and our representative in Congress must hold any president accountable to this point, regardless of party.

When the Democratic Party removed all mention of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel our current Congressman was in lockstep with the Democratic leadership working damage control to quickly change the subject to something else.

Given Israel's precarious situation, the policies of the current administration are inexcusable. I will always stand with Israel to defend and support the State of Israel. As a free and sovereign nation, Israel has the absolute right to defend itself from enemies foreign and domestic. As our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel should never receive anything less than the full support of the United States of America. As your next Congressman, I will never stop in assuring the security of Israel, especially in regards to the threat of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

Israel has always demonstrated, without hesitation, that they have America's back. We must, in friendship and solidarity, stand with Israel. I have always believed that is the American way.
